The excellence of Uniflow products is an essential condition for success and customer satisfaction.
But it is not sufficient.
Uniflow products are linked to perfect application of films on the parts of a boat under or above the water.
Uniflow has its own application teams and already has certified application partners but would like to set up a powerful, extensive network of recognised application technicians, sharing the commercial success of the brand.
Uniflow wishes to invite players in marine professions to create accredited application teams within their own structures.
From responsible shipyards (that have understood the incipient shift from paint solutions to high-performance adhesive films) to boat builders (who will integrate our products upstream and at production level), Uniflow adhesive solutions needs to expand by means of a network of adhesive application technicians – and you can become part of this network.
Professionals at present involved in the application of films for markets other than the marine sector are already the potential partners we are seeking.
For this, Uniflow offers a training programme specifically dedicated to adhesive films for marine use.
Contact us – we can discuss this together and you can become our partner in your sector of activity or geographic area.